Thursday, February 11, 2016

After Deportation, Killer Returned Easily to U.S.

On Thursday, February 11, 2016 Jay Root published an article titled "After Deportation, Killer Returned Easily to U.S" on Texas Tribune. This article is focused on the issue of border security and immigration. The main discussion is over the case of Juan Leonardo Quintero. Quintero, an immigrant, shot and killed a Houston police officer and also sexually assaulted a 12 year old girl. After committing this crime, he was deported because he was an illegal immigrant, but he soon found himself back across the border. Quintero mentioned in a recent interview that he's still surprised at how easily he could return to the United States and resume work after being deported for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl. When they deported me, they just forgot about everything — that I had a driver’s license or whatever I had,” he said in fluent but heavily accented English. “They should be more ... I don’t know a word for that — pay more attention to everything they were supposed to have.” That raised a lot of controversy. Why was a deported criminal able to make his way back into the U.S without any issue?

I believe this article is worth reading because it shows the weak side of our government. We currently have many political figures, like Donald Trump, who make such hateful statements about immigrants. Articles like this one make it hard to disagree with those statements, but not all people are the same. Border control does indeed need to improve, but good people shouldn't be affected by it.      

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